Webinar: Adopting a Trauma-Informed Lens in Clinical Supervision


Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025

6 Supervision CEs

In this discussion-oriented workshop, Dr. Knight introduces participants to the trauma-informed (TI) perspective and its core principles. Carolyn identifies the intersection of the TI orientation with accepted models of clinical supervision. She then distinguishes skills that reflect TI principles and assist supervisees in adopting a TI lens in their practice. This includes supervisory skills needed to assist supervisees in managing manifestations of indirect trauma, which is their affective reactions that stem from their work with trauma survivors.  

Dr. Knight integrates current theory and research into the discussion and provide case material to illustrate the application of the TI formulation to practice and supervision.  Participants will be encouraged to share their questions, concerns, and examples from their own practice as supervisors.


Describe the principles of the trauma-informed formulation and their application to clinical practice and supervision. 
Identify conceptual models of clinical supervision that reflect and promote a trauma-informed approach in supervision.  
Understand indirect trauma and the role supervisors play in assisting supervisees in managing their reactions to their work. 
Distinguish core supervisory skills that promote a trauma-informed orientation in supervision and assist supervisees in adopting the orientation in practice. 

This workshop meets the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners’ requirements for Supervision CEs.  

Audience: Social Workers, LCPCs, and Psychologists

Location: Virtual

Sponsored By: University of Maryland School of Social Work

Cost: $130.00-$150.00

For questions, email cpe@ssw.umaryland.edu

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