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Thursday, Jun 19, 2025 - Friday, Jun 20, 2025

12 CEs

Studies have found that 90% of mental health clients have experienced a traumatic event in their lives. As practitioners, we realize that providing trauma-focused treatment is an important part of our work. These days, we are inundated with a variety of competing trauma-focused treatments; it can be hard to understand which approach might be best.

In this workshop, you’ll learn about trauma and its manifestations in neurobiology, emotions and behaviors. We’ll discuss the universal mechanisms for healing trauma and touch on the different trauma treatments. In addition, we’ll review the evidence base and efficacy for each treatment, helping you decide the best fit for both you and your client.

Working with trauma can be difficult, and in this workshop, we’ll discuss how to protect yourself from burnout while working with trauma. In addition, we’ll discuss common challenges that arise in the therapeutic alliance, and how to overcome them. By the end of this workshop, you will have built a strong foundation for trauma-focused treatment. 

TARGET AUDIENCE: Social Workers, Licensed Professional Counselors, Psychologists, Addictions Counselors, other mental health professionals

CONTENT LEVEL: Intermediate

Location: Virtual

Sponsored By: Elevate Continuing Education

Cost: $289 Standard Registration

GROUP DISCOUNT:  $255 Per Person Group Pricing for Groups of 3+

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