Webinar: Connecting to the Present with Trauma from the Past:-Practical use of Trauma-Informed Mindfulness


Monday, Oct 28, 2024

6 CEs

As Mindfulness continues to be an increasingly popular form of mental health treatment, it is pertinent to consider ways to engage these interventions from a trauma-informed perspective. Research identifies that use of mindfulness can reduce trauma-related symptoms, depending on the amount of mindfulness minutes practiced per week (Kelly & Garland, 2016).  

While research largely focuses on the benefits of these interventions in treatment, it is particularly critical to equally observe the risks of practices with clients who experience trauma-related disorders and symptoms. In some instances, it may even be retraumatizing to explore this level of connectedness to the body without first establishing the presence of safety (Treleaven, & Britton, 2018).

To address this issue, this training will focus on understanding mindfulness and trauma as they relate to benevolent and effective treatment; highlight the benefits and risks of utilizing mindfulness practices to increase sensory awareness in clients who experience trauma; explore and demonstrate use of trauma-informed interventions with other treatment modalities; and, identify ways to skillfully utilize mindfulness interventions to promote effective skill use.

Participants will gain the knowledge and skills to screen for traumatic events through evidence-based assessments, exploring the client's "window of tolerance" to provide a more personalized and effective approach to treatment. Research demonstrates that trauma-informed mindfulness interventions play a pivotal  role in reducing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and enhancing overall mental well-being (Boyd et al., 2017). Mindfulness-based interventions are associated with a remarkable 50% reduction in trauma-related symptoms (Treleaven & Britton, 2018).

Additionally, participants will learn various trauma-informed mindfulness techniques, including observation and grounding exercises, which have been empirically proven to help clients regulate emotional responses and mitigate the impact of trauma-related symptoms. Practitioners will be equipped to guide clients in developing a trauma-informed mindfulness routine that becomes a cornerstone of their therapeutic journey, promoting healing and resilience.

This presentation is open to:
Social Workers
Professional Counselors
Licensed Mental Health Practitioners
Medical Doctors and Other Health Professionals
Other professionals interacting with populations engaged in mental health based services

Course Level: intermediate
Level of Clinician: intermediate
New practitioners who wish to gain enhanced insight surrounding the topic
Experienced practitioners who seek to increase and expand fundamental knowledge surrounding the subject matter
Advanced practitioners seeking to review concepts and reinforce practice skills and/or access additional consultation
Managers seeking to broaden micro and/or macro perspectives

Location: Virtual

Sponsored By CEYou Plus+

Cost: $99.99

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