Free Virtual Course for Athletic, Education, and Health Care Professionals: Student Athlete Mental Health-A Game Plan

McLean Hospital is hosting a free virtual course, Student Athlete Mental Health: A Game Plan, for Athletic, Education, and Health Care Professionals.

This comprehensive online course is aimed at addressing the vital role mental health plays in student athletes’ lives. In today’s competitive environment, the pressure on young athletes can be immense, impacting their performance, well-being, and overall development.

This course equips participants with essential knowledge, strategies, and resources to effectively support the mental health needs of student athletes.

This course emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive environment that prioritizes mental health alongside physical training. Participants will explore strategies to cultivate resilience, enhance coping skills, and reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues. 

By empowering educators, coaches, and clinicians with the tools and understanding needed to navigate this critical aspect of student athletes’ lives, this course paves the way for success both on and off the field.

Date and Time: Wednesday, July 31st 11:00 AM-2:30 PM ET.

Learn More and Register