Trevor Train the Trainer Pilot Program to Uplift LGBTQIA+ Yputh

Governor Wes Moore announced the launch of a first-in-the-nation Trevor Train the Trainer pilot program in partnership with the Maryland Department of Health and The Trevor Project, the leading suicide prevention organization for LGBTQIA+ young people. 

Maryland is the first state to offer the pilot program to reduce suicides among LGBTQIA+ youth. 

The Trevor Train the Trainer pilot program combines elements of both Ally Training and CARE Training.

 Ally Training provides a basic framework for understanding LGBTQIA+ identities and the unique challenges young people face; it includes information about common terminology and encourages participants to explore their biases, build knowledge, and develop empathy. 

CARE Training (Connect, Accept, Respond, Empower) focuses on suicide prevention and mental health for LGBTQIA+ young people, including the environmental stressors that contribute to a heightened risk of suicide.

The program will be available to behavioral health care workers, mental health providers, law enforcement, suicide prevention leaders, veteran leaders, university faculty, school personnel, and coaches selected by the department’s Office of Suicide Prevention.

Participants will undergo a two-day intensive training to certify the delivery of the Ally and CARE training for two years. Quarterly updates will provide participants with new information and materials and serve as a check-in to determine the training’s impact.

Learn More About This Pilot Program and Register to Become a Trainer