Webinar: Implicit Bias Training- Increasing Understanding Towards Reducing Barriers and Disparities in Access to and Delivery of Physical and Mental Health Care Services


Thursday, Oct 10, 2024

3 CEs

Physical and Mental health professionals cannot ignore the impact that various forms of bias play into the barriers to and disparities experience in the delivery of care. For instance, the concerns of women who present for treatment are more often ignored than those of men who present for treatment. And, the concerns of Black women, in particular, are ignored at their peril.

This course explains the role of implicit and explicit bias in defining the systems that provide physical and mental health care in America. This course also includes strategies for individual professionals, and professionals in collaboration, to use in order to reduce disparities in access to and delivery of physical and mental health care services. 

Learning Objectives:
Define key terms related to implicit and explicit bias, such as implicit bias, explicit bias, and related concepts.
Explain how implicit and explicit bias influence the development of healthcare systems, including their impact on access to physical and mental health services.
Apply a framework to critically assess and evaluate the impact of implicit bias in their own professional practice within the healthcare context.
Demonstrate strategies for addressing and mitigating implicit bias within their workplace, promoting equitable healthcare delivery.

This presentation is open to:
Physician Assistance
Social Workers
Professional Counselors
Licensed Mental Health Practitioners
Medical Doctors and Other Health Professionals
Other professionals interacting with populations engaged in mental health based services

Course Level: introductory
Level of Clinician: beginner
New practitioners who wish to gain enhanced insight surrounding the topic
Experienced practitioners who seek to increase and expand fundamental knowledge surrounding the subject matter
Advanced practitioners seeking to review concepts and reinforce practice skills and/or access additional consultation
Managers seeking to broaden micro and/or macro perspectives

Location: Virtual

Sponsored By: CE You Plus+

Cost; $59.99

For questions, email support@ceyouplus.org

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