Webinar: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Treatment of Substance Use Disorders


Thursday, Oct 10, 2024

6 CEs

This clinical workshop reviews Cognitive Behavioral Therapy theory and interventions. The thought–feeling–action model of cognitive therapy will be discussed in the context of substance use. The training builds on foundational knowledge and incorporates clinical considerations and specific interventions in the treatment of substance use disorders. 

The training focuses on core cognitive and behavioral interventions while adding elective therapeutic components to customize treatment for clients. The training targets clinicians who provide individual substance use treatment. 

This training will be highly interactive with ample opportunity for learning and refining skills through role play, demonstration, and a mock case-conceptualization exercise.  

Learning Objectives

Learn about how core concepts of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be adapted for use in treatment of substance use disorders.    

Demonstrate an understanding of new skills through small group work and Socratic discussion.    

Learn specific core and elective skills to use in the individualized treatment of clients. 

Target Audience: Social Workers, LCPCs, and Psychologists, anyone interested in the topic.

Location: Virtual

Sponsored By: University of Maryland School of Social Work

Cost: $130-$150

For questions, email cpe@ssw.umaryland.edu

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